
Archive for March, 2010

Have you even run your credit score?

Have you have even run your credit report annually? heck even in the last 5 years?

If the answer to either of these questions is “no” ask yourself why not?

I have run my “report” every year for the past 4 years. Every year I find a discrepancy and have to dispute it. Today not being an exception.

Prior it was usually an incorrect address. They, at one point, had me “living” at my former employers address.. lol I worked a lot but not THAT much! I thought that was kind of funny. I have had a couple of my creditors STOP reporting my payments so that kind of put my credit status in a weird limbo. I have also had them not correctly report my high balances.

The latter being the case today as well. I found 2 accounts that have the incorrect high balances listed. I want these high balances listed because I have since paid these accounts in full and on time and I want that to be seen by potential future creditors should there be any.

The other disputed item is a delinquent pay off from 15 years ago. I since paid it, but at a % of the value because I was horrible with managing money back in my very early 20’s. Well according to the info provided on this credit reporting agency’s website, that type of information should only be on for 10 years.. According to my calculations it’s time to have that cleared.. dispute filed.

Not only is it important to run your report to have incorrect items disputed and corrected, it’s even more important so that you know if someone has stolen your identity. If you run your report and there is an item or items on there that just don’t match with the knowledge of your financial history question it, report it, and then put a credit guard on your accounts so that any further use will be haulted. All 3 reporting agencies have it, so utilize it to safe guard yourself. it might be an inconvenience sometimes, but well worth it to keep your identity safe. Take it from someone that has had it happen 3 times.

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